For Blogging on Content is King | Rank you blog in Google

There is no way of getting around the fact that anything Google does affect websites, and those who try to promote websites, like nothing else. Matt Cutts of Google has been quoted to say that SEOs that stay ahead of Google will be successful, but to stay ahead of Google one has to understand the mindset and future aspirations of this search engine. for learning the best content marketing join the best digital marketing training in Delhi . By looking at the little changes that Google keep making to improve their services it seems clear that with Google, relevant “handmade” content is, and will always be, King! The Purpose of Google Every SEO, working hard to promote sites and pinpoint the correct strategies for pleasing Google in order to reach that first page of search results, must stop themselves every now and then and get back to the basics. It is very easy to get caught up in strategies for keywords, links and more, and lose track of t...